
It's Kumamon - he's a bear, and he's the mascot of Kumamoto prefecture. He's incredibly popular; you can buy Kumamon bath salts (the sort you put in the bath, not the sort you stick up your nose), coin purses, biscuits, pencil sharpeners, cooking implements...you name it.

Don't mind me, I'm just heading to the bottom of the ocean. Why? To awaken Master Cthulhu of course!

Country Dubstep.

I'm typing this message from Kansas right now...

I don't agree with this games design, but I know quite a few women who are.. well, just not what you would expect. They would think this was great. Not all people are created the same. Just because we don't like it doesn't mean there isn't someone out there who does.

So long as its clear that this content exists before a person purchases a copy, I have no problem with it. Not my kinda thing, but there's plenty of guys out there who are into this weird sorta thing.


Crap, that's your issue. Houston? Jeepers.

Well but I mean that's kind of the point I made, lol People don't dismiss ALL dubs, they just dismiss everything that the hivemind hasn't deemed worthy of recognition, like Bebop, FMA, and so on. People are allowed to have their own opinion on something, Did you like the sub over dub? cool, but when people start

Owning 500 anime doesn't mean that you're opinion is better than anyone elses. It's a completely subjective topic. Do you watch all of your Anime subbed? Out of the 500 you have, how many have you seen dubbed? My point is

I'm just gonna leave this here.

Breaking news: Don Mattrick will also change his name to Rick Mattdon or Matt Donrick, since Microsoft has trademarked his name.

X1: "Where are you going, dad?"

I don't see a problem with weeding out the dickholes in gaming. I don't run into griefers of that magnitude in life, so why should I want it in what I do to unwind. It would be like if I was at work and after an unsuccessful sales call, some cracked out 14 year old jumped out from behind the water cooler and yelled,

just like my japanese anime

I am thinking of running away from this sensitive topic

Wow people really get pumped up over this stuff huh. How does a character in a manga resembling someone from history have any bearing on any of these peoples lives? It's people looking for excuses to express their own prejudices which is pathetic...