Oh my sweetbabyjesus.jpg, I just...
...I laughed at this way harder than I needed to.
:( I was actually hoping to see one of all the characters. Especially Zenigata. <3
I saw Ginko (Mushi-Shi) in there a few times. Awesome!
Bob. When are they gonna do a Kotaku article on you?
I might be silly in doing this, but already putting my faith into this game. Then again, I'm easily satisfied with most games these days. I can't wait. :D
I don't have a good enough nope.gif for that shit.
I can't stop laughing. It's like nightmare fuel backfired. I can't wait to show this to my friends.
Hard Gay! <3
My morning was just made!
Pretty sure MTV could have been left out of that example list...
I can't tag it, but it's so painfully obvious how the mannequin boys are-
I wish I could give you two stars...
This makes me extremely happy. Im so glad to see a black female fan of Mass Effect. I was beginning to feel alone. :D
Thanks Owen. It shows respect rather than submitting to everyone's disapproval.
Why can't I rate this more than one damn star?!
"Wherein Trick Daddy vocalizes the idea that a women moving with extremely shapely posteriors must be performing some sort of moving violation."
Yeah. This one hit me in the feels. First time I watched my father actually shed a tear or two that wasn't at a funeral.