Oh climb off it. Feminist do not care about race. They're only placating black issues as means to garner more political power for white women.
Oh climb off it. Feminist do not care about race. They're only placating black issues as means to garner more political power for white women.
What exactly has patriarchy brought to the table ...?
Seriously? Some chick is mad at bankers because she's in the top 2% of the richest people in the country instead of the top 0.0001%? Poor baby.
How do you suppose you can appropriate something from a culture, when appropriation is about taking without permission? A culture can't give permission, because it doesn't belong to anyone; it's something that happens within a group.
You know how she could've avoided feeling exposed and embarrassed? By not offering to suck off two strangers in the middle of a crowded concert in broad daylight.
Dodged a bullet, dude.
1) It is not genocide if one gender across all the different ethnic groups in India is being targeted for murder/abortion/rape.
I am so tired of people hating everything that's pink. No, little girls don't have to like pink. Yes, lots of little girls do anyway. This is not the first or only astronaut Barbie doll. You really want your Barbie's spacesuit to not be pink? Here, dress her up in this blue spacesuit from the same collection. Or…
What is the problem with covering up with a blanket? As a women, I feel don't feel comfortable with seeing another woman breastfeeding in public with not attempt at modesty. I think these women are trying to make a statement that its normal and natural, and I agree with that. But others around you may not feel the…
I always feel uncomfortable with this topic. Yes, dynamic female characters are underrepresented in fantasy/sci-fi and I would love for that to be fixed. But I'm not sure Doctor Who is the right battleground for that.
I fucking hate these points that all Gawker sites ALWAYS bring up. Seriously. What does it matter if it's a woman, or of colour. The fact that you even mentioned that for "bonus points" just reeks of having it for the sake of having it, and seems racist and sexist unto itself for trying to hamfist different gender and…