
A related and equally depressing point is that the kind of people who take this stuff quasi-seriously don’t even *care* that much about it. They’re not going to check back in a month or two and be like “why are the Seahawks still in the NFL?” while anxiously awaiting Sean Hannity to report on the latest developments

Or use it in homemade salad dressing!!

I’m surprised that Fang thinks I’d be dumb enough to communicate with any political source on my work email. That’s Journalism 101. He might need to retake that class; I’ll save him a seat when I teach it next fall.

I don’t have even the foggiest clue what conditions are best for planting a gummi bear tree.

This is a not shit sherlock moment. It was a problem 30 years ago when I enlisted. It was a problem 20 years ago when I got out. It’s a problem that has gotten worse since. We have a White Nationalism problem in THIS COUNTRY! And it’s centered the part of our society that gravitates toward the military, rural, white,

Tell me (and my jury about it)! All I did was see a hawt woman and as a result I took my dick out and started to freak on her. Next thing I know I am being arrested. It isn’t like I finished!

Martial arts focuses on self discipline while streaming focuses on getting attention.

But making an effort to be there for family or friends is what they’ll remember

I had two kids separated by 14 months and we had that side-to side Peg perego ans well as a double Charriot stroller / bike trailer, 2 single peg perego strollers and whatnot, all fitting in the back (although not at the same time) of a 2005 Volvo S40 sedan.

A.) *hurl*

I think Ivanka is the one he pays women to impersonate.

These sentences are too long and coherent for Trump :P But I understand that this:

Truly diabolical when you think about it.

Great setup! Their planning was immaculate:

Bird law of attraction in this country is not governed by reason.

I would have thought the article made no sense. I mean Obama’s oldest daughter wasn’t even born yet when Cobain died. Now we are supposed to believe a baby dyed her hair blue? The whole story would fall apart.

What the governor is really doing, though, is declaring a state of emergency over the presence of anti-fascists.