Anyone else seeing a weird line across her face in the header image? O_o
Anyone else seeing a weird line across her face in the header image? O_o
Neither am I anymore, honestly.
Agreed. He is too old. We need a younger candidate in the 40-50 age range. The Sandersbase should work to keep up enthusiasm and Bernie should be looking at the Democrat ranks with an eye to endorsing a younger candidate from the get go.
Oh shit.
I prefer the chore wheel
More like crazed Nic Cage, in the Wicker Man, IN the bear costume, running through the woods and punching women in the face while being chased by bees.
Someday, the Queen of England is going to debase herself and meet with him and he’s going to try this. She is going to break his fucking hand and look deep into his eyes, with pity, as she does it. And then she’s going to give some action movie line, probably “I shit bigger than you,” and walk away.
Having an ally to either tank, heal, or DPS those toxic comments is incredibly helpful.
Sure, they may keep mouthing off, but being willing to
I agree with the idea of being an ally in these situations (ones that pop up far too often), but I am also worried that chiming into these scenarios with jackasses online will just result in more aggravation and shouting matches with them. If they’re already big enough tools to behave this way at the outset, I doubt…
‘Man cursed to keep his haircut in 6th grade for life’
Thanks for your input and stories about the high school days, Uncle Rico
Why not sue the USMC while he’s at it for giving the guy his ambush skills???
The thing about shit-talking Waiters is that sometimes they spit in your food.
Well, that’s just stupid.
I am currently visiting a sick relative in hospital (in Wales, UK) and one of the nurses pinned this to the noticeboard.
You are aware that boxers are commonly referred to as “fighters” and a boxing match is typically referred to as a “fight,” correct? And even technical or defensive boxers are known as “technical fighters” or “defensive fighters.” And he’s 49-0. If Laura had called him one of the greatest knockout artists or sluggers,…
People have tried moving against Floyd, but has anyone tried not moving?
i get called the N word every time i play any kind of competitive game online. we don’t need a separate division for black people we need people to stop acting like cunts
What the fuck does erasing history even mean. There are probably hundreds of thousands of books, scholarly articles, films etc about WW2 and the civil war.