
This story is all you need to prove that investors are idiots and stocks are little better than blackjack.

It’s not.

This is exactly why I defend Terminator Salvation.

I saw the movie yesterday and it wasn’t all that. Sarah Conner spoke as though she was reading her lines off a sheet of paper. As one person in the comments put it in Rotten Tomatoes, they killed off xxxxx as though he was an extra on the set (no spoilers...lol).

A grown ass crazy looking man, protected and served by the thug gang, beating up a child. Fake Billy Bad Ass is going to run up on the wrong one....

A grown man attacks a 13 year old boy and cops are like “Well I don’t see a crime here.”

Heheheh. I came here, to the comment section, and you did not disappoint.

NotCrashy McNotCrashFace

So this asshole was in the theater with his phone out taking pictures? He’s worse than the spoiler.

Many unions are. Some unions are not.

Do you actually find this a difficult concept to grasp, or are you merely being a disingenuous bellend?

This! I’d have driven it home, parked it and waited for the dealership to call me when it was “ready”.

I read the headline twice. I was like “I have see all the modern ‘Doctor Who’ episodes and I don’t remember any opioids?

Shout out to the ref for bumping the leg as he casually stepped over Nurkic.

iMessage is still a thing

Best to tackle this problem at the source, i.e the stack.

Classic leftist thinking. Let’s double down on the abuse of power with more abuse of power. Has Obama’s abuse of authority setting the stage for Trump’s not taught you the law of unintended consequences?

“Nearly $4 BILLION a year in taxable compensation income - Gone.”

Wasn’t that the whole source of contention? Amazon demanded they pay essentially NO taxes.  

Unfortunately there really isn’t much time for baby steps....gotta take a huge leap at this point in the game.

I basically read that headline as “It’s Time to Go Back”

“Ok google, play my little pony on the big tv”