A grown ass crazy looking man, protected and served by the thug gang, beating up a child. Fake Billy Bad Ass is going to run up on the wrong one....
A grown ass crazy looking man, protected and served by the thug gang, beating up a child. Fake Billy Bad Ass is going to run up on the wrong one....
A grown man attacks a 13 year old boy and cops are like “Well I don’t see a crime here.”
So this asshole was in the theater with his phone out taking pictures? He’s worse than the spoiler.
This! I’d have driven it home, parked it and waited for the dealership to call me when it was “ready”.
Shout out to the ref for bumping the leg as he casually stepped over Nurkic.
I’ve spent my entire life trying to be the fastest at everything and I’ll be damned if I stop now.
Because America is weirdly puritannical when it comes to sex and sexuality. Violence? Good for children! A single butt cheek? Better slap an NC-17 rating on that baby.
No. You do not need to clean your uterus. Or your vagina. Both are self-cleaning.
I often see white parents with obviously adopted black children, I’d call the police but they’d probably arrest the kids.
I can’t think of a single reason I’d need these over plastic zip ties, but I still feel like I should buy them...
I can’t think of a single reason I’d need these over plastic zip ties, but I still feel like I should buy them...
And thus starts the endless cycle of “I should have bought..” or “I should have waited until [insert next gen component] came out...”
When you buy on Amazon I would only stick with things that are fulfilled by Amazon. Any time you mess with 3rd party you run the chance of getting burned.
Yup. Anything with the agility of a capital ship is not going to be able to dodge a hyperspace missile, even a small one. Shields are obviously useless against it.
The reports are out that a lot of the past research was funded by the sugar industry and pushed an outlook that fat was bad. What it really comes down to is you should just eat real food and avoid processed food like the plague.
I don’t get notifications from the Amazon app at all. I get an email when items ship and that is good enough for me.
He also has the BEST words.
He’s waiting for all the facts, because that’s what smart people do. And he’s really smart, he know all the things and has a really good memory.
There is. It's called "paying a rabbi to bless the strawberries as kosher."
1. I always wondered what the commissure was called. Now I know. And I echo what the author said — it’s pretty awesome.
No hairballs for short haired breeds and it shits in sand and promptfully buries it after.