Amazon photos offers unlimited full resolution (even RAW) photo backup for $11.99 a year. Best backup investment I have made.
Amazon photos offers unlimited full resolution (even RAW) photo backup for $11.99 a year. Best backup investment I have made.
Toast some garlic in oil and add the rice to that for a couple of minutes. Stir well and then boil the rice.
It asks if you want your pictures to be uploaded, and the pictures will remain in the folder structure that you upload them. But it organizes all pictures in Chronological order in the pictures category.
It asks if you want your pictures to be uploaded, and the pictures will remain in the folder structure that you…
I had an on-call mechanic come fix my car and he noticed my headlights were cloudy. He showed me the trick himself and it works, just a dab of break fluid on a rag and you just clean it over with that.
I had an on-call mechanic come fix my car and he noticed my headlights were cloudy. He showed me the trick himself…
A little bit of break fluid on an old shirt will do the same thing.
A little bit of break fluid on an old shirt will do the same thing.
There is actually an extra step for Marshmallow. between 1 and 2, flash modified boot.img for specific device. This is to regain compatibility with SE linux. After flashing the boot.img you can then root the device.
It’s a good service, I tried right after launch and bought it after the 3 month trial period. For 11.99 a year, unlimited pictures of any size including RAW, it’s a good deal. After managing my families photo backups for the past 10 years I can say that backing everything for 1 dollar a month is a steal.
It’s a good service, I tried right after launch and bought it after the 3 month trial period. For 11.99 a year,…
For android use Transdroid
I bought some plastic Anker screen protectors for my Nexus 5 and I have to say I was surprised at how easy they are to install, they feel similar to glass, and they are pretty cheap (3 for $5.99).
Diced pear tomatoes, basil, oregano, pepperoni, meat and mushrooms. Perfect chunky salsa
The application that does this the most in my experience is Facebook and Facebook messenger. The facebook app remains running in the background 24/7 and starts itself at boot, so does the messenger. I have had no problems with Google Hangouts draining battery, whatsapp also wakes the device from sleep but not as much.…
I live in a country were all these services are restricted by location, and I know I could use a proxy, but if they don't want my business I don't want theirs. I have a DLNA server at home and just download series and TV the same day they premiere in the US (which can't be said about many of these services). I watch…
Also use 2 step security on everything you can. I'm using lastpass with 2 step security and really even if they do get my password, they can't get my 6 digit code without stealing my phone
The thing is it's not your skin that's being irradiated, it's your entire body. Radiation penetrates your entire body, you start vomiting, having diarrea, skin falls off etc, because the radiation is killing or damaging cells in your entire body, if the radiation is harsh enough you can die within hours depending how…
My computer, I was young the first time I took apart a computer maybe 11-12, broke my first processor as well. That started it all, after that I've been interested in everything from desktops to cellphones, to quantum computing. Now studying an Engineering in computers. For people who like to tinker and take things…
This is actually very handy, also if you want to avoid certain cuts that may require stitching you can use this. If it's a cut that you can see requires maybe a stitch or two. You can actually close the wound with this and it actually works very well.
I put linux as an example, as you mentioned so does VLC and itunes. They are creating an interface to access a piece of code already in the OS. They are selling you something you already own. A basic feature costs $5.00 on discount.
You know what is the worst part about this post, it's that they are charging $5.00 to be able to raise you volume a little more. You can do this in Linux for free, it goes I think about 300 - 400% louder past the 100%.
This is also quite ridiculous, if you notice all the people that are competing against him are in regulr trikes, and he is there using his bullet shaped aerodynamic design.
I'm actually a student, and you can't really be protecting millionares, who make their money off shaking their ass and impersonating people on a TV screen. Do you really think they should get paid that much?? I don't think so, why don't scientists or engineers get paid more, they hold people's lives in their hands,…