
@JeevesofRKdia: Where is that, what part of mexico did you ho to. In my country being Hispanics we know animal by products are not vegetarian, and the only place I've heard remarks like that are in american movies. All you have to do is ask if you're not sure and they'll tell you if it has sausage or any other animal

My macbook

It would be a great concept, I know that It would be very useful. Imagine a trip designate a driver for a bunch of cars and forget about, then just switch driver when he's tired. Instaed of 10 - 20 drivers you just have one

@YellowRex: Exactly, much faster response, better user experience. If you have the ram it's ok, for example I have 2GB of ram and it works perfeclty my OS doesn't go over 500MB of ram used even on heavy browsing, and when stable it's around 200 - 300 depending on which programs are running. But like I said If you have

@buckleyneko: Remember each task in chrome is basically separated into a sandbox, wehn this happens it's like running diferent programs. Flash has a sandboxx each tab has it's sandbox, it's a freaking playground. So all those are probably tabs, extensions, and others might be cache

@rohitsat: What operating system?"?

@TheOtherHalf: The only browser that really excels in the IE previews is IE.

@synchronicityii: No, that's what happens to people who work in illegal mines in africa that try to steal or don't follow orders. We take diamonds for granted and buy them for our weddings and gifts and think how nice, but many, many, many diamonds are illegal exports from africa.

@Che-poodle: I don't think so, they made a study about higher education in all developed nations and the US came out at the far bottom of the list, with one of the worst educations in all developed nations. I find that incredible because they pay so much.

@Che-poodle: The US is too high you mean, I good education especially a public one shouldn't cost that much. Most students can only work part time, and if they don't take out a loan they probably would never finish or even start University, this leaves a lot of uncompetitive, uneducated(higher education) people in a

@MaaseyRacer: Exactly he's just holding the US government accountable for what they did in the public eye. All he's doing is giving away the information so the people are informed of the atrocities their government is doing. The guy above is crazy, people don't want to know what their government does yeah right, I

@Ze Pr1nce is nominal: Probably it's like lizards, which are most active when their bodies are at a certain temperature. These insects have just found a way to harness light more efficiently by creating more surface area for the heat and energy to be absorbed. If you cool a bug down they are less active. These bugs

@chadbeckwith: It's an atom thick, it's the thinnest known material. GRaphene sheets are 1 atom thick so, it's 2-D in a way.

@Nihilexistentialist: Using Firefox 4.0~b8, and it's still much slower than Chromium. Firefox 4 is much faster than firefox 3,6 but it's still has to catch up to the development versions of Chromium.

@Nihilexistentialist: Milliseconds are always thrown when comparing browser speeds. But how many people have really measured. Well I have. It takes Firefox at least 5 - 10 seconds more to load the same page as the build of Chromium I'm running and I'm not saying firefox 3.6, Firefox 4,0. Font rendering I really don't

@Nihilexistentialist: I tried it and compared to Chromium 9, it's not fast enough plus Chromium has all the plugins I use to use in firefox and it has a cleaner interface. I don't see the downside and I don't see where I lose productiveness. When it's faster, more efficient and has all the plugins I need.