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    There's only two things I hate in this world #planelopnik

    Did they blood test the whales first?

    @pj134: story of my life. could of swore I heart clicked you already

    @Fat Tire: Oh my, that's the funniest thing I've seen all day. Well done sir [golf clap]

    Now thats a bumper guard I could get behind!

    looks just like my old camry wagon. Damn, I miss that car.

    In no particular order

    @FP: Your Volvo is awesome! Anyway: And how! My birthday was two days ago, on my way home from crew practice I almost got ran off the highway by an idiot driver. Did wonders for my ptsd...

    @Goingincirclez: Comments like that need a warning to swallow the coffee/food/etc. in your mouth before you continue reading.

    @ppiddy: Excellent choice.

    @Fat Tire: Now there's a wheel I could get behind.

    Simply marvelous!