We apologize for the fault in the comments. Those responsible have been sacked
We apologize for the fault in the comments. Those responsible have been sacked
I are smart!
I was only there yesterday afternoon, I was going to go back late this morning but they'd already removed it. They waited for low tide so they could drive a tow truck out to it and pull it out. I don't think it took them all that long.
I took this picture. I was talking to one of the people on the beach who was with the shoot when a friend of mine went down to see about helping. The truck was cobbled together for the commercial shoot, they installed the winch but never wired it up.
Don't care for the logos, otherwise I kinda like it.
I have three GMail accounts, an Outlook account and my university email account all tied into the account for my main GMail address. I never added any contacts to the other addresses, only to the main account. No need to export, etc...
I can't believe there is nothing in the article about making appointments. An appointment is without a doubt the most effective way to get in and out of the DMV quickly.
No, it means you are going to die a horrible death.
NP-ish. Certainly better than the $5,000 200k mile salvage titled (rear ended) E36 M3 some chick was selling near me recently. No maintenance done by her and no history either. I pity the fool that bought it...
I used those potato gloves damn near everyday one summer cleaning potatoes on a small farm. They may seem silly but I've never used anything else that would remove dirt and fungus nearly as easily or quickly. That said, the rest of that crap is ridiculous.
In 2008 two Americans were enjoying their freedom on a highway near where I live. One of them had an 'accident' - not an 'on purpose' and collided with a third car that was driving nearby, causing it to roll off the highway. End result, a 9 year old girl died. http://www.times-standard.com/ci_10657668
I disagree. http://www.times-standard.com/ci_10657668
Too soon.
I'm in Northern California, cost me $60 to fill up with regular at $4.79/gal. That was last week at the cheapest station around. It has only gotten more expensive since then...