
I may have entertained the idea of kids when I was much younger. But I loved a woman who could never conceive for almost a decade, and that’s alright. She was more important to me than any “might be” person. She still is, even now that she’s gone. At my current age and health it’s just not a likely thing.

I believe that’s called divorce.

Interesting. Thank you for the info.

So if one were to take the time to read the studies (and there are a ton) fetal alcohol spectrum disorders are normally caused by binge drinking, and binge drinking in the second half of the first trimester. There has been no evidence found that light to moderate drinking after the first trimester causes any harm.

The whole “there’s no (proven) safe amount” line ignores that there are also amounts that are not proven dangerous, that almost certainly result in no harm to the fetus, but that existing guidelines forbid because nobody fucking knows any better.

FALSE. If I had a boyfriend I would be looking into his bowl to see if he had any more ice cream I could steal. >:(

The only time you should look in your partner’s glass is to make sure that they have enough. You don’t look in your partner’s bowl to see if they have as little as you.

^^ what you just described? THAT makes one a perfume drencher.

...No. If Philip Roth was allowed to write the same fucking story over and over, about boring, ruthless men on navel-gazing quests for sexual fulfillment — and win prizes for it — and be called one of the greatest writers of his generation — I think we as a culture can afford Beyoncé space to take what is personal to h

She absolutely thought this through. This is so thoroughly Rachel Roy, it’s embarrassing. She’s been doing this petty shit towards Beyonce since forever.

1/3 for the titles.

From the AAP: "Although we now give children more vaccines, the actual number of antigens they receive has declined. Whereas previously 1 vaccine, smallpox, contained about 200 proteins, now the 11 routinely recommended vaccines contain fewer than 130 proteins in total." We give more vaccines because more vaccines are

Some people are allergic to vaccines and they don’t get them after doctors realize there is an allergy. Nobody has ever denied that an individual can have an allergic reaction to a vaccine. That’s partly why herd immunity is so important. Some people can’t get vaccinated and they rely on everyone else doing so.

I think this woman confused service dogs with the guards at Buckingham palace.

How is Rabbies Formed?

Only sons can carry on his family business? Is it operated by using one’s penis to type?

And yet we got #BiologistSpaceFacts out of his goof.

SLS won’t harm your linens or you. It will, however, effectively remove perspiration, odor and bacteria while scaring the hell out of anti-vaxxers who read Natural News.com.

It’s a chemical so obviously it’s poison. Isn’t that what the food babe said anyway?