I hate those damn people
I hate those damn people
It looks so good it makes itself look bad. The cars don’t displace the water on the track and with how good it looks otherwise I can’t not notice it.
Where did you get 1:13.117 from? This was the 1:12.178 lap that he set for pole in Q3.
Without the smack talk? You must have missed Monster Wars. I used to watch this as a kid.
Damn. My dad made fun of me for babying his Challenger.
There have not been homologation specials since the WRC spec cars started in the 90s, unless you are talking about the fact that we don’t get any versions of the i20, Yaris, and C3.
Toyota’s last win was Didier Auriol. Sainz did not win a rally in the 1999 season.
NASCAR is a joke and has been for years
I was actually debating between the two. Personally, I like the BRZ better. It felt nicer to drive to me. That may partly be because I was only able to test drive an automatic 124 and that engine is garbage when it’s mated with an auto. I have the same engine in my Dart and it’s not bad with the 6 speed and with…
Have you ever watched a motocross race? Someone stalls and spends at least 5 seconds trying to kick their already hot 250 or 450 every race. The KTM guys with e-start are back running in under 2.
Alina Talay
But it will be so worth it when you finally do evolve it. One of the guy’s at my local park evolved one yesterday. It multiplied the Magikarp’s cp by about 10 when it became Gyrados.
Honestly, I hope this leads to Jalopnik being separated from the rest of Gawker. I hate seeing Jezebel crosslinks. I hate Kinja. And I hate that I have to support Gawker to come to read Jalopnik.
They should switch to Ferrari...maybe then I would watch...but probably not.
This is not something that usually happens.
I’m really hesitant to put too much accountability on people making $8/hr.