
*Romper Room voice*
Hi, children. You wonderful, precious, galaxy-brained kids over here want to say the 36-26 team is five games ahead of the 31-31 team. You can say that. You can say they are five games ahead of the .500 team. We love you. You are safe and loved.

So, you’re saying she’s clearly not sophisticated enough to know how to tweak MAC addresses but how could she not understand the nuances of MAC addresses?

instead the man gave a “friendly” hello before continuing on his way

In this episode, Dave tells the story of the time the leader of the free world sought him out to offer condolences, ruining an entire lineup of good jokes in the process.

Regular old empathy? Carrol will pass

This is really sad. Please stop.

Ah yes, the good old “numbers aren’t important, it’s how the numbers feel that’s important” argument. Hmm, how about two completely bullshit fouls in the first minute on Klay? Seems like that would have an impact!

Let’s see here... in chronological order, we have:

Or 221. Whatever it takes.

This is best Kinja.

No one can pass it up.

Swing away Merrill

It’s even worse where I live now, in North Carolina – people are obsessed with hanging runner-up flags from 153 years ago

If you have all the draft picks, the other teams will eventually grow old and die. You have to think long-term, sheeple.

Anytime you can blame the refs for losing 1-4 in a 7 game series, you def gotta do it, right?

Maybe we’re reading too much into this, and the simple answer is the correct answer: the Browns don’t know what the fuck they’re doing and this is further evidence of it.

Yeah that hack only scored 45. Sure he may also have had 9 rebounds, 7 assists and 4 steals, but what about Kevin Love’s 14 points?

Nice fedora, Kap.

It’s not really that impressive when you consider that anywhere a ball lands at a Cavs home game is going to qualify as “hell.”

A man, a plan, a canal: Lisa Bonet