Yay! Kudos to you for a value added piece on io9, something that’s become sadly rare in this new era for the site.
Yay! Kudos to you for a value added piece on io9, something that’s become sadly rare in this new era for the site.
Evazan’s backstory was that he was, at one time, a promising plastic surgeon whose unorthodox methods ended up harming his patients more than hurting them.
Hamlet really narrows it down
Go fuck yourself
They just got rid of that guy?
It’s Lobot.
are people supposed to laugh at something in that video?
I just wanted to say, fuck you, for calling pizza, za.
1. VIN Scully is not just AN OLD WHITE GUY. He has been in and around football longer than you have been living.
I also bumped into Jeff Fisher on a checkout line recently. It was at a 7-Eleven in Montana. However, after he left it was a 7-Nine.
I’m pretty proud of the commentariat for not going low and telling you to go fuck yourself and that Pop is the best.
I’m just distracted by the header image because it looks like the people behind Carrie are taking a selfie.
Flippers Pizzeria in Central Florida (and St. Pete!) is another small chain serving great pies.
I wonder if there’s a cut off point beyond which a chain becomes too big to be great?
But will he be good when the playoffs come? That’s the real test.
Uh, yeah, I’m not following up on that.
Of course they did, but this isn’t a history of video games book. It’s a list of the most accessible and enjoyable games for kids in 2017.
I used to have these same questions. Then I decided to treat conjoined twins as one person with two heads. Now I sleep better.