
Somebody mentioned snake plant already. Peace lilies are easy to care for, but you have to force them to bloom. Spider plants are mostly unkillable. The ficus and most likely all the palms (though I’m not familiar with all of them) need a really good source of light, but not immediately in front of a south or west

It’s funny when my wife send me a picture of her titties but I find out later that she meant to send them to another dude.

As an asperger person, if you invite me to the bar with you, you’re going to have a barnacle all night.

You remind me of Michael Douglas' character in the film Falling Down.

yeah, it's kind of a really stupid insignificant thing to make a fucking stand about. The crack of your voice as your psyche nearly broke over a sticker is probably what caused your barista to get a little snippy and short with you.

I clicked on "28.8 RealVideo" at the interview hoping that I'd get some internet video nostalgia.

it really upset me when I had to listen to an asshole go on a racist tirade about black people. I'm a retail drone so I couldn't really tell him off. Anyway, as I began to relay the story to others I started to realize what a fucking moron I was being. I was upset because I had to HEAR something racist. Wah poor me.

This cover is terrible. Which kid's dad is on drums?

I know I'm not like a popular poster on this site who needs to be concerned with his reputation but I'm really appalled by the language use in my post. I am really drunk right now.

Now playing

The guilt by association compilation is excellent. Will Oldham covers Mariah. This particular track is related to the current post. ETA it's superchunk doing beyonce or destiny's child i'm not sure which.

there's a guy at my work who I'm pretty sure identifies as female outside of work (i'm calling him a guy here because he uses a male name and the men's restroom). He always pisses and leaves without washing his hands, which really irritated me until I realized he's probably been beat up in more than one men's room.

I assumed it's so you can prove you were paying attention if you get in an accident.

I'm pretty slow at running, and fast at wacking, but i could still run 200 meters in less time than it takes me to jerk it.

Actually no. I can tell you from experience working in retail that you're absolutely incorrect. If a pallet is in good condition you can pretty much assume that it's going to be reused, no matter where it is located in relation to a dumpster (unless it is inside the dumpster, in which case it's fair to assume it's

You guys know that when pallets are sitting out by the dumpster they're usually waiting to be collected so that they can be reused, right? If you just go take them for free, that is stealing.

I like the part where he was about to write about "feeling" the boys, but crossed it out and wrote instead that he was "watching the boys".

I understood what you meant, but it took some effort. If you had put some little quotsie things around the phrase "meters a year" it would have been more clear. But dude. Am I getting paid to read this site or are you getting paid to write for this site? I shouldn't have to put any effort into figuring out what the

You missed the part that would actually be worth editing, which is that "meters a year slower" would not be much slower at all.

Varnish is clear.

I don't know much about Beyonce and when her record came out, and I'm too drunk to research it before posting this comment, but it's a tragedy that this song wasn't released in April (2011 or 2012) because it'd be a guaranteed Summer hit. Releasing it as we head into Winter seems like kind of a travesty.