
What are you thinking? 2 was the absolute WORST Farcry installment.

If only the game would have such nice fire animations.

Pretty realistic faces.

Farcry 1 - One of the best shooters

Lol. It seems like they added her in for some positive publicity, but her ideas are so shit even the average gamer sees right through her.


I didn't really grow up with Morrowind, but some of my fondest memories were spent exploring Oblivion on horseback. I've spent more time than I'd be willing to admit in Oblivion. It was somewhere to live. It was something to experience. Morrowind was okay, just like Oblivion is objectively okay, it's just better

I enjoyed the first game, in fact I'd say it's my favorite game. Of any game right now, ME2 is the one I'm most anticipatory of. Hopefully they don't screw it up. Did you like the first one, as a point of reference?

WOOOOHOOO, seeing this new engine in action is making me ever more excited for the masterpiece Mirror's Edge 2 better be.

Eh. All in all, it's all fantasy, who cares?

I almost enjoyed that as much as the explosion.

Great job guys...

So if all this stuff goes through, would we still be able to create a new company that runs on net neutrality, or would the law force these new regulations on every provider?

Ewwww. Nice breasts and all, but that looks terrifying! Is it just me or is her head slightly too large in comparison to her tiny little body and shoulders? It makes her look scary. Her manly features don't help either.

Dude, Bauhaus architecture is best architecture.

"But O'Connor did find a company called Selenium that makes a product called Selenium Ice, which has a function called … WebDriver. The software is used to automate testing websites, but even its creators don't know what the videos are about."

And spider fetish.

I am a huge fan of the first BioShock, enjoyed the second one, but I would say in a heartbeat that Wolfenstein is on a whole 'nother level than the travesty that was BioShock: Infinite. That game had nothing that made BioShock great. Loving Wolfenstein myself currently. I don't actually hate Nazis or anything, it's

Yeah. I'm new to this sunday comics thing. Never really looked at these before. I wasn't actually wondering why the comics I listed weren't shown, just sort of telling others about them..