Edit: log in broke the reply.
Edit: log in broke the reply.
The PSP Go sucked because Sony got two key things wrong: availability and price. They solved both on the Vita. Games appear to be day and date with physical media, and they charge less for digital than they do physical.
The camera is very loose, but I didn't think there was anything bad looking about that video considering the game's vintage.
Oh sure, but I was responding to the phrasing of the opening paragraph: I was controlling an avatar of a black person, and I felt like a bad ass.
You haven't played Crackdown then? I chose the black agent every time, and felt nothing but cool and bad ass as I romped through Pacific City.
You're not seeing the natural conclusion of this.
What it will actually mean: less and less choices about where we purchase games and how, meaning a limited group will make all of the money and thus collude to charge whatever the fuck they want for them.
Seriously. An age-based sliding scale for pricing would do a lot to increase the long tail. You will always have people who *have* to have the game on release and won't be smart enough to wait for the expected price decreases, but you're also going to snare in someone who wouldn't have bought the game if it still cost…
As one of five children, I couldn't afford brand new games as a kid. I almost always got them used besides the games that came packed in with the consoles (which my siblings and I usually bought new by pooling birthday/Christmas money).
I got home to see the blue notification light blinking at me. I read the message: to celebrate the year, a special guest would be visiting my Mii Plaza!
I knew it was by agreement, they just get credited in teeny tiny type. Why not a more pronounced visual treatment? :)
I'm sure you read Daring Fireball, but just to recap:
The way you pull in these articles makes it look like Gizmodo did all the legwork, not Business Insider. Kinda shitty.
ModNation Racers is so so on the Vita. It has horrendous load times and there's some slowdown, but the game itself controls as well as the PS3 incarnation.
PS Vita please! This looks cool as heck.
I got thoroughly engrossed in Spice Bandits - so much so that I had to force myself to play anything but for a while as I was neglecting other systems. There's plenty of great games. It's a shame some people can't get over the lack of physical buttons.
1. Which issues? Yet again, an Apple product is subject to a baseless witch hunt simple because Apple made it.
I have an M-Audio KeyStation 49e that has done this since I got my iPad first gen.
Oh believe me, I don't think the problem is anywhere near as pronounced as it is in Android, but for some developers, those are all considerations. The way Apple handles them, though, it is generational as you say.
Sorry, yes, all have the accelerometer, but it was not paired with a gyroscope in iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, the first three generations of iPod touch or the original iPad.