
1. Design a wrapper (around an existing OS) that is eerily similar to a competitor's look and feel.

When I lived in the UK, cinema chain UGC Cinema offered a monthly unlimited pass. They were bought out by Cineworld, but it looks like they still offer it: [en.wikipedia.org]

The browser is terrible. Pages take forever to load, then either the browser or the processor of the system is totally ill-equipped to handle sites that use JavaScript, so even basic sites grind to a halt.

I fear the corner-cutting will begin in earnest. Internal storage hasn't been announced has it? I'm guessing that's the first thing that'll get cut to the bare minimum. Then pack-ins: I'm guessing it'll be the machine, the new controller, composite/component cables (not HDMI) and possibly a Wiimote and nunchuk. I

Ah, the inevitability of human nature.

Is there a way to make the site default to the blog format? I really don't like the new design, and rather than whine about it, I would rather be pro-active. :)

I hope there's more to their adoption of high definition than just resolution. It would be nice if it had the polygon, texture and shader throughput to offer significantly better performance than the PS3 and 360.

My favourite game is The Secret Of Monkey Island, and its point is to teach people how to become grog-swilling, insult-trading ne'er-do-wells.

This will go down well in Newcastle, England - where they will call it the Wayayepad!

Big Government: bad, unless we get to treat you like second-class citizens.™

Can you really say the GameCube (released in the past decade) did anything surprising? Or the iterative updates to the DS line (3DS aside)?

Too Human's flaws were not technological, they were creative. This lawsuit really isn't endearing Silicon Knights to me - I have played plenty of great games built on Unreal technology, but I haven't played many great games designed and developed by them.

So, this is going to sound stupid and n00bish... does T-Mobile have such a surplus of backhaul bandwidth in those locations that AT&T's load will be lightened by adding their cell sites? Or will there just be more towers to give us crappy connections in the busy locations?

And yet some of the biggest titles on the DS made use of the touchscreen as the primary input method. Both have their uses. I don't think touchscreen is a bad thing, at all, but you're right - iOS and Android devices with regular controller inputs would be awesome.

I play games on PC and Mac, an Xbox 360, an iPad and an iPhone 4. The games I play are wildly different on all of these systems.

In a generation from now, people are going to say: "What happened? Sean Parker invented Napster, numerous people created similar programs and technologies, and still people paid for music? How the hell did Steve Jobs pull that trick? Oh, and aren't Bon Jovi the 'Living On A Prayer' guys or something? No idea, they

I am not indicative of any larger group of gamers, but having bought my 360 while trying to find a Wii in the early gold rush, I found myself using it way more for console-type experiences as games looked, sounded and controlled better.

Plus one, as da kidz might say.

Liam Neeson Vs ED-209, coming soon.

I got a $20 gift credit from Amazon when I pre-ordered, looks like they're keeping that going in a different way.