
The hard drive is a bottleneck, and yet it speeds up gaming on the PS3 and Xbox 360 no end.

I haven't, but a friend who shares my cynicism was at one of the UK hands on sessions with the device and echoed my opinions.

You're right. I was smoking a crack and having a severe reading comprehension fail, I thought the original post was about the DS cartridge sizes. :)

Actually, Nintendo DS games come on cartridges upto 4Gb. Note the lower case b - bits, not bytes. 4Gb is 512MB. So a 4GB NGP game is eight times as large as the largest Nintendo DS game.

I think it means it has four times as much what plants crave.

I am yet to see a film that I would enjoy more in 3D than 2D. And this is film, a passive entertainment form where I sit in one position uninterrupted. My hopes for 3D on a portable gaming system are thus non-existent.

It appears to be. Only sheep and n00bs and the lamestream like Apple.

See also: the runaway success of Flip cameras and apps like Hipstamatic.

Not to be an Apple apologist, but...

1. Serve the public trust.

The most important question is: are they any good at Dance Central?

Jaffe is utterly right - it is a game by any definition of the word and should be included on those grounds.

Let me Google that for you:

@hollowlite: It is, which is a good thing. An iPod touch that is brilliant for watching video, reading, and playing games without squinting.

@mrantimatter: I really am shocked it didn't get 3D given the rest of the company's hard on for it. More power to them, with or without, this thing is sexy as hell.

Hulu, Skype and Netflix... without 3G restrictions? That would be a good example of networked services I want to see. :)

@mrantimatter: I think IsoSotc may be right. By adding a touchscreen, they are conceding that Nintendo and the smartphone manufacturers were right. This is A Good Thing. Still, they won't be content to simply beef up the power and add touch screen. 3D is currently a big sell for Sony at large, with their TVs, Blu-Ray

All this needs is over 9,000 jiggawhats and it will be the best game ever and win the Internet. XTREME! TO THE MAX!!!!!

@Kadin: They have mentioned this, yes. Unfortunately, as the films will have to be specifically formatted for the device, and Nintendo are greedy arseholes, I can't see the price being tolerable.