
I don't know if this is an Android issue, or a driver issue, or a carrier customisation issue, or what (don't you just love open?), but when I wake my phone after a period in my pocket, it always pitches a fit about my Wi-Fi connection instead of just quietly reconnecting. I only use it with one network, and I am

It's also $20 more expensive than the cheapest iPod touch.

I would like a price under $200, but that ain't happening. Other than that, I'd like to think games won't be arserapingly expensive.

They need an option to untag photos en masse when you break up with someone. You might still be on good terms but you don't want any new flame seeing all that shit in your Photos Of Me list.

@severeon: I'm really not trying to moralise. I have also copied software, music and TV shows in this fashion. There is no way to justify what I did, though: I was not entitled to any of it through purchases, and thus it was theft. No matter how many CDs, video games or DVDs I buy.

@The Other White Meat: It's OK, I'm a Brit living in the US and can't even drive, I was just playing to what I assume is a common American sentiment. ;)

@McGreed: Yet another person getting caught up on the differences between a tangible, physical object and digital information.

@mintycrys is on an UBER STREAK!: I'm not even making a judgement call - I doubt there are many people online who are not guilty of copyright theft. Let's just call it what it is, though, instead of trying to make ourselves out to be noble Robin Hoods. :)

@Suduki: Copying a program you have not purchased a license for is exactly the same thing as stealing.


I steal cars from car dealerships. Before you call me a thief, I've been driving for thirty years and had a lot of bad cars. With all the foreign imports, there's even more chance I'll get a bad one, so I figured this was the best way to work out which car was right for me.

@Korbei83: I'm with you, my brother has made a killing from it, however.

How about Skype, Apple, Microsoft, Google et al collaborate on a single, open standard so you aren't forced to pick the same hardware or software as your friend to talk to them? It worked pretty well for regular old voice chat.

@Aklost: It is a standalone application, little more than a glorified web browser. It really is nothing like iTunes in terms of the software, only the store design (the iTunes store is also HTML based).

My impatience and fondness of trade-ins means I go to the Gamestop a few blocks away most of the time. The staff there aren't pushy assholes, which helps.

@axiomavenger: What you describe is also the mobile phone app model - click an icon and you are at the "site" you want.

Deluxe Paint III on the Amiga. EA used to make productive stuff!

@skt.smth: And... Clear may soon get investment from Comcast, so hells to the naw.

@skt.smth: Thankfully, RCN are in my area now, and AT&T will be soon enough. And we have Clear, but Clear suck in Chicago at the moment.

Dear Comcast,