Also, huge shout out and props to the black community for coming out to vote. Turnout in majority African American counties was very high compared to expected averages. Doug Jones had better remember that!
Also, huge shout out and props to the black community for coming out to vote. Turnout in majority African American counties was very high compared to expected averages. Doug Jones had better remember that!
Congratulations Alabama!
I have learned this lesson the very hard way, over many years: If your skin is naturally fair, don’t try and force it to be tan. Don’t give yourself cancer trying to tan in the sun, don’t waste your money and ruin your clothes and look like a freak weirdo with fake tanner. Work with what nature gave you. Embrace it.…
They switched to Monster Cables.
Uh...if they take Apple Pay, they take all NFC payments, you're thinking CurrentC for that "closed, proprietary payment system on a closed, proprietary platform"...Apple Pay uses what Google Wallet does...but hate on all you want.
The tips below will help you pick the perfect playlist to queue up on your Bose SoundTouch when you’re working/…
Please watch your language. This is a family site and I don't want my kids to learn the word "Sebring."