
Or Outlander, though it was a man getting raped. 

Eeeeehhh…. it isn’t doing anything for me, yet. That, and I can’t unhear Cayde-6 so I’m crying. 

I guess it REALLY depends on your purpose for travel, eh? If you’re just trying to travel a thousand miles in under 2 hours, shorts and a t-shirt is ok, but if you’re going to work or something important (ceremony of some type), maybe dressing up is the right idea.

That said, I’ve a friend that full on jacket-bowtie-ve

I meant the comparison between police responses and perceived racial identity of the person of interest. Thanks anyway. I guess I could dig around FBI stats or something, myself...


Unions, amiright? 

Do you have a source for that information? I’d love to throw a book like that at someone, when warranted.

Yeah, if by best thing you mean not really having one (a married relationship). This is like... dating plus. 

This sounds like something a man thought up. 

That's awesome... but they had to use gas to get up the hill. :( Still think the Pacifica is a great family vehicle, though. 

They changed the agreement. Classic definition, regardless of consensual renegotiation.

Back on point - What is the point of monogamy, if you aren’t going to be monogamous? Just split up, and stop pretending to make yourselves feel better. Be hedonistic slobs, revel in it.  

Wow... that’s crap. It ended with both of the people that promised monogamy with each other, reneging, and cheating once a week. How boringly hedonistic. *sigh* Maybe I just want too much from my entertainment, but this is garbage. This is “guy that wishes he never got married, but gets the best of all worlds”

It even uses Morty-voice. 

You won’t get to them until you’ve completed a hand full of loops. So does it really help?

And that is ok. 

Target for terrorism, target for intelligence agencies, target for ne’er do wells looking for someone slightly better off than a tourist.  

As someone that has been part of a real Honor Guard, this kind of upsets me.

Do they give psych evals to cadets? If not... they need to. 

What occupied territory do you live in?

What is the point of the article, when it doesn’t even link to the source material?

I swear that ContraPoints person did a video and constantly mentions Writer No. 1.