
We do. You don’t even have to take a pill, or put something on your jimmy. You just don’t stick the P in the V. Separation of the act and the consequence is part of the reason for the hook up culture plaguing society. 

I think the hardest part of having children isn’t giving up selfish things, but realizing all these things I had enjoyed and centered my free time around were selfish things. It is a giant kick in the junk. 

I keep seeing people say the elected official punched the egg-tacker? Every time I see the video, I see an open handed slap. 

Why is the majority of costume-play devoted to “whoreloween” costumes? There has to be more to the source materials than overly sexualized 2 dimensional female characters. This can’t be good for little girls, to see all the big characters being little more than pornography for adolescent boys (or men that haven’t

What is your position on people staying in the left lane on the highway, when others going over the speed limit want to pass

Random thought - Physical therapy had me doing the shoulder stretch with a broom stick. It works. 

Mother fuckers make more money than me, by a full third, yet are complaining about the cost of their insurance plan? Me thinks they’re just dumb with regards to how to find insurance, or they’re just wanting more money for the sake of having more money. 

Writer seems to forget what we did before we had cellphone that were mini-supercomputers (a mere decade plus ago). If you wanted directions to a place, you didn’t necessarily need to purchase a real map (which are still useful, btw). You went to MapQuest and printed your directions. My father had an application on our

I didn’t catch it in your article, but being a younger sibling seems to quicken the pace at which an average (understood as meeting the norms) child would be ready for preschool. 

Oppression isn’t required for racism, only hate based on race is. The dumb blonde secratary stereotype is just as sexist as the dumb dad stereotype that has become prevalent in the last generation of sitcoms. Smoochie-woochies.  

Someone is going to have to explain to me why this insult (incel), isn’t in and of itself a sexist term that shouldn’t be used. I cringe at this about as much as I cringe at the disgustingly derogatory “cuckold” and all its varying deviations. 

They were right to keep you on them, but it should have been brought up to your doctor so you could have been weened off those and put on some other treatment plan. It is funny (ironic) that a symptom from antidepressant withdrawal (stopping abruptly, which you seem to have understandably wanted to do as a child) is

No idea why you got that reply, it shows it went to Jackal’s post... my reply to you was “ what were the bouts of “acting out” and what could your parents have done differently?” 

Don’t get it twisted. A white kid was arrested not that long ago in a friend’s town when someone called the cops on him because walking down the street (that he lived on) and taking video with his phone was “suspicious”. In Georgia. 

Moral relativism makes it REALLY hard to have that conversation. 

Just out of curiosity, what were these bouts of “acting out”, and what alternative methods to curtail the behavior could your parents have taken? 

Wait a second... you told your parents you were depressed, and they sent you to a medical professional... and from that you learned to distrust your parents? I think you’re the problem, not them.

It is New Jersey, so probably. 

Yeah... judging from the replies there are different issues going around, than not knowing the child in question doesn’t like the activity. I would put money on there being a whole bunch of other boundary issues in those families.

When all is above board, this is a learning activity; things like this, that require

Shut the fuck up.