Protestantism is a heresy, so...
Protestantism is a heresy, so...
That’s not true at all, as the younger generations are pulling for orthodoxy and tradition, whereas the booms are all about Sister Mary Pantsuit and how to better dampen the band’s drums with plexiglass.
You don’t do much hog hunting, do you? It is kind of required to have a sidearm when hunting those horrible beasts.
Small charcoal grill is still a pretty good tattoo. I know plenty of dads that would love it.
Not to be confused with the AIM, which, over time, turned bad.
Better be careful, Jack, libel is different for children than it is for adults. Some of your cohorts might be feeling the burn soon.
Everyone knows Native Americans/Indengenous Peoples/LDN/Plains/Pueblo/etc LOVE Pascific Islander traditions.
I don’t fault someone from “rural US” not knowing the proper name and religion of a NYC hate group. That’s more of an unintentional prejudiced mislabeling, than a overt act of bigotry.
Well, Dolemite, if you know anything about the BHI, you’d know they go after white people regardless of the hats they are wearing.
Chunk was adorable.
Believing abortion to be wrong is actually one of the required beliefs of Catholicism (not talking about heretical protestants, that’s another conversation for another group of people). If you’re a Catholic, and you don’t believe abortion to be wrong, you’re excommunicated.
Well, hey, at least you admit to wanting to beat up children.
You should see the the Vice show that followed them for an episode:
I got rid of my Hitachi 57 inch rear LED projection 1080i tv 2 years ago... I lamented it, because I had to buy an entertainment center. Still haven’t noticed a difference in quality, sitting across the room, when watching TV.
It is only victim shaming if I don’t believe he was wrong, and I am not curious about the contributing factors. Contributing factors matter, in this grey world of ours.
So who is the apostate? The majority or the minority?
Sky is black and the street lights are on, the hell you talking about?
Why am I garbage again?
I guess if you felt the need to comment about it, it wasn’t already clear enough that this was not licit. Let me clarify it for you - it is so not licit that there is a series of just laws specifically tailored to provide negative motivation for these actions.