
That isn’t true, at all. The entire workforce quitting has a dramatically harsher impact on the business than a temporary delay in work until a perceived issue is resolved. Now, odds are you won’t get the job back after the fact... but, frankly why would you want to if you’ve already contributed to the soured

Do unions allow for 2 people hired at the same time, under the same job description, to receive differnt pay if the performance of one of the employees is 5.0 and the other’s... isn’t? 

You do know you can get out of Jury Duty for financial harship, right? 

You could just quit. 

It should be illegal. You’re a public employee, but your union doesn’t bargain with the public. If it were fair, your negotiations would go to be voted by the municipal residents.

So you tried the lozenge, but how about the pills or the tea? When I think lozenge, I don’t think consumption. That, and the taste of sugar isn’t the full effect of sugar on the body. Would higher levels of consumption satiate the sugar addiction cravings? 

There is a thing some discussion around (medical professionals), with the severe decrease in cases of Chicken Pox due to the vaccine we’re seeing a severe increase in cases of Shingles. The speculation is that people that had contracted the virus, once exposed again to the virus again through their younger infected

Not everyone gets shingles. 

Is there somewher I can go to get the main plot points? 

I’ve never ran across that specific phrase before, so I’m not understanding what was meant. That makes me “probably not a very good person”? I even broke it down (not overt or plainly expressed satisfaction with one’s own achievements), but the addition of “white dude” to the phrase, as an amplifier of unknown value,

What is this “white dude self-satisfaction”? 

Here is how to do it:

This statement, that when something becomes holy it is no longer questioned or analyzed, is rubbish. You mustn’t have a very good grasp of (example) orthodox Christianity.

No... no it doesn’t. Atheism doesn’t require anything. Nothing is cemented. There is no core tenant, other than there is no reason for anything.

E-mail is impersonal. That is like sending a text to tell someone you’re sorry their dad died. I guess for a “bare minimum” parent, it could push them into doing more things, but dammit this is one of those “wrinkle your nose, and say no” things.

Male gaze? This is female bullshit. Men just want you naked, they don’t care about the wrapping.

So? I mean really, does this matter? It isn’t like not granting this person a security pass to get in is breaking a law, or “against the constitution”. Isn’t there also some agreement in the “press pool” to share shit amongst yourselves?

Part of me looks at articles like this with extreme weariness, because it is

So... what do you do to curtail negative behavior if you shouldn’t spank, or raise your voice? What do you do when your little lovely won’t sit their temporarily horrible behind in the corner for ageXminutes ?

I am glad I haven’t had to spank my son but twice this year. The time spent in the corner seems to be

I’m not saying vote Republican, but the Democratic candidate will be bad for everything that isn’t Atlanta.

They’re not terrorists until they do something. Until then, they’re just blow-hards.