
That’s a low standard. 

I hated the carrier for my two boys. We even got the brand and model that is all the rave (something about proper positioning, and baby hips). It was just an unnecessary pain in the ass (this is coming from veteran, someone that is used to and can easily identify unnecessary pains in the ass). It was just much easier

You seem to misinterpret the statistics. The statistics are saying a majority of the people that got the shot had no reduction in risk, it did not work. 

Did you ever see Peter Pan in theater? 

Is this a “not a true Scottsman” argument? 

I’m Catholic, I live in Georgia, so... I don’t see any issue with letting a child have a little wine, or beer, or brandy, eggnog, etc. in your presence. Letting your child get drunk, though, is a horrible idea, from both a health and learning perspective.

I’m trying to wrap my head around this, why this would be ok in an aggrivated person’s mind, and the only thing I could come up with was she was habitually going over a time limit? I know that pisses me off , as a spectator, but did it happen here?

Why is Hitler poor taste, but the hammer and sickle not?

This is a good article. That said, has anyone seen anything written with how to deal with similar things as someone that has been falsely accused? Granted, there are significantly less of us, but we do exist.  

I heard some not so good things about her time as a hospital employee (I don’t recall reading that she was a hospital administrator, and can’t quickly find anything now saying she was). Based on those things, I wouldn’t tout her timely promotion to VP of (whatever it was, can’t remember at the moment) when her husband

What platform is this for? What platform did you play it on? Where can I get it? All of these are important facts that should be presented in a game review. It SEEMS like it is Kotaku’s “thing” to either not include, or hide this information. 

So why take forever for a “no” vote? 

Add to the guardian’s consideration that newer gear also contains MORE perks than older gear, so even if you infuse your year one “outfit” to look snazzy again at a high light level, you will still be at a disadvantage.

The best beers are made by monks. 

Have heavily spotted glasses, from hard water and choosing (like a dummy) to drip dry? Bar Keeper’s Friend works wonders.

This dude, from my home town in NJ. Crazy. 

So... that British Chef tip of boiling it is out? 

At least they are doing it during “lunch-ish

So doctors are calling for a ban on a type of thing, not because of the inherent danger of the thing, but the danger of everything else? That is... dumb. I could understand it if the walkers themselves were dangerous, like they only had 3 wheels and a tendency to flip over on the rider, but everything listed doesn’t

Walter Martin, and A Tribe Called Red.