
You don’t have kids, do you? Also, before cell phones and the ability to store a number digitally, we used little notebooks if we couldn’t remember a number. 

Who uses phone numbers? Everyone, you dummy. “They’re antiquated!” The technological mask does not alleviate the requirement for a number.

Have you ever tried jalapeno ketchup? or Balsamic ketchup? 

I don’t think you’re making it up, I just found it odd that your experience was so different from mine, when we were part of the same “club”. 

Confirmed Latin Rite Catholic, here. Confirmed in the Diocese of Metuchen (current scandal central). We did CCD during the week, working up towards the sacraments. We didn’t have CCD after Confirmation. 

I am saying CCD is in preparation for Confirmation. You don’t go to the class after being Confirmed. I have no idea why you’d go for 18 years (why so long, and why so long after Confirmation).

Cocaine Dave... 

How did you sit through 18 years of CCD? Thats... no. Hyperbole? 

So it is our responsibility to play Justin Case for this show? Just in case the employer decides to break the law, and the employee either is ignorant or unsure or lazy with regard to going after the employer? Yes, that is a recipe for success.

Imagine what videogames would be like if they actually advertised the product, instead of some imaginary product that there was never any intention of getting to the consumer. 

Not a saint, he holds to some things that are 180 degrees out from sainthood. 

Oh hey, I just purchased a .22 air rifle. 

I wonder what Maryland, and Baltimore’s, gun laws look like. 

He had the forethought to bring a handgun over 800 miles, what makes you think he wouldn’t have been prepared with something else? 

lol, what?

And do what, exactly? What action wouldn’t be a “band-aid” and continue to neglect root cause?

FYI - The Landing isn’t a mall. 

So you’re 40% burns?

I, too, am tired of casual sex and beheadings. 

Shoe leather pork chops and garlic salt is good, though...