Do you remember the original? Where you could just dig and dig and dig through levels, making your own paths? I don’t recall being able to destroy too much of the buildings (I also think the entirety of the game took place underground).
Do you remember the original? Where you could just dig and dig and dig through levels, making your own paths? I don’t recall being able to destroy too much of the buildings (I also think the entirety of the game took place underground).
US wasn’t founded on genocide. That is historically incorrect. Emphasis on the phrase “founded on”. Slavery? Sure slavery was there, as it was everywhere else in the world that didn’t listen to the Catholic Church (be they Catholic states or not), and there were attempts to outlaw slavery during the founding of these…
Might makes right, idealist. No country in this world operates on any other principle.
What social contract? I never signed any social contract.
I’m glad she didn’t put on white-face. Maybe she should be cosplaying as BBQ Seo-Yun?
These are ok. They lose a lot, when the artist misses specific important details, like the blacked out eyes of the hologram in the Bladerunner sequel. For an art style I dislike for it’s laziness, and cheapness, these are fun.
To resemble children.
A lazy art style (literally developed the way it is because it is faster, easier, and cheaper for publication) just got easier? Great... can’t wait to see the results...
Well, no, but you aren’t supposed to spew hate and vitriol at me because of them.
Hmm... weird. I purchased my house (mortgage) with $0 down and no PMI...
How much of your mansion do you actually use?
Ignorance. People use that word, and variations thereof, due to ignorance. You’ll hear arguments that it is being “taken back” or “used as a term of endearment”, but spend some time around black communities and you’ll hear it used in anger more than anything else. It breaks my heart when I hear it used in the home, by…
Quite a few myopic people will tell you that you should never use it, and should avoid it at all costs. I am not one of those people, even though I find the word reprehensible. Proper names, quotes, etc.
Proper names.
I find the word reprehensible, even when black people use it, and especially when it is used as a misguided term of endearment.
And I’m an olive skinned Iberian dude, with an African ancestor some time around the Great Famine.
Century Arms is an importer... dummy
Bidets don’t remove the need to wipe, you skank.
You could, also, go out and meet people instead.
Hey, 40 year old divorced guy, stop using dating sites. You’re old enough to realize that it further exacerbates this bullshit hookup culture.