Why are we applying Western cultural issues to Eastern cultures?
Why are we applying Western cultural issues to Eastern cultures?
Barely related thought - Is there an insult for women that is as deeply insulting as something like this? I can’t really think of anything... but then again, I’m not a woman so my frame of reference is completely different. This is interesting... I wonder if anyone has written anything about it.
Well those Dems ARE bad, and siding with them is to EVERYONE’s detriment... so kick them out instead of silently promoting them and their shit.
They don’t work for him... they worked for the other guy.
Yea... you missed a few steps in the logic path, so your analysis is off.
Democrats convince immigrants and minorities they are for them, gaining (not stealing) their votes. That is pretty simple to decipher.
Eugenics (PP in poor and urban areas) is used to keep those populations in need of the policies that Democrats…
Cheese and rice, just recast the character. Maybe get a better actress, too. Problem solved.
The Usual Suspects skit. Heh.
Problem is immigration (alien friends and enemies) was taken over by the federal gub’ment a while back. It used to be a state controlled thing... but that, along with the National Guard replacing state militias, both unchallenged, seems to have eroded the ordered path. Oh well. I’m just waiting for it all to burn to…
They consider themselves above Poles, in typical racist Norwegian fashion.
Meanwhile, she is the president of an organization that specifically targets poor, urban, black women and families. I think it was called “Project Negro”. Yes, invite her to the cookout... I can’t wait...
I dunno, I have plenty of words I can no longer bear to hear thanks to the likes of the Obama era Democrats.
Don’t mind me, just reading my copy of Self-Made Man.
Christian school? Ugh, Protestants. Absolute worst.
Help me make the connection between his dealings, and hers, and how it is sexism. I look at the article and see “work was done, they wanted more, he said bugger off unless you pay me more”, but I am willing to listen to an explanation why my subjective interpretation may not be... the whole story.
What is this lobbying group gaining by making a comment?
Spent the better part of a decade 10,000 Leagues Under the Sea, this doesn’t scare me. I’ve also been on 3 cruises; you’d be amazed how much fun not having any responsibilities makes what was previously your least favorite task (going out to sea).
It depends. If you went to Destiny, and are a fan of the hidden story, no.
I hope this opportunity to poke fun at EVERYONE is taken. I don’t care much for liberal tears, and I certainly don’t care for faux-conservative tears.
Problem root: dating a man for almost decade