
“If it is juice, drink it” is not coercion to kill one’s self.

Does not follow.

So you think they wanted this kid to drink 90% pure liquid meth? Intentionally? You think they wanted this kid to kill himself? Yea, that is a leap I am not prepared to make.

They didn’t kill him, he killed himself.

How did the agents know it was meth?

High bearing rate across the line of sight.

I’ve put those headlights in Monte Carlo SSs before...

So these broads are deficient in that they didn’t get that chemically induced bond known as imprinting, and we’re supposed to feel sorry or learn something from them? Nah.

They’re a Japanese company that got it’s start with Yakuza and game parlors, they’re used to scalpers.

I thought the analysis of the statues together was brilliant, and wasn’t something I had considered - “The girl represents ‘gender diversity’ and the bull represents (as that statue has always represented) the economic grown of the market. Thus the whole thing seems to portray the message that people who represent

That is why you put eggs in multiple baskets, and do things like have main product in the “free realm” and offer exclusive paid content elsewhere.  

The advice isn’t bad, you know just enough information to be a confident acting douchebag. Rinseless and waterless washes are essentially concentrated detail sprays. You want me to kill the poster with walls of text that they’ll just get overwhelmed with about the differences and uses of microfiber towels, why some

Woohoo I was right! (kind of, said it was a sheered timing gear key)

I thought they were asking for ID to overtly prove you were you, and a resident?  

Fatletic shared a post by Fatletic

Heh, here you go know it all -

That is why you “waterless wash”, dummy.

Let me guess - you AREN’T a person that corrects paint professionally, right?

I’m arguing that proof of residency isn’t a barrier.

I currently use

So then what is the big deal that a valid GOVERNMENT ID is required when voting if a valid ID is required when registering? I’m not able to make the leap to this creating extra barriers for voters, yet.