
Considering that nuclear power plants are usually not government facilities?

“idea of the sacred feminine” Hehe... bye, Felicia.

I always thought their older Montero 4x4s were fantastic vehicles.

We have people crying “Fat shamer!” on one side, and the entire medical community saying you’re fat on the other. I’m just going to have another cheeseburger.

And this is how people get abused, and the lazy get away with it.

Are you prepared for the Benedict option?

Everyone is dogging this dude for leaving that woman there. I am glad he didn't assault her for having a different view.

Protestants are iffy about the maintenance of their Bibles. They misplace a lot of the books.

IF she did, it sure changes things.

He wasn’t even eligible...

No one remembers Killzone?

Sorry, I got confused by who pays for it and who technically owns it.

Dude also pays high-dollar for Woodpecker brand T-squares. They’re like a hundred bucks a piece.

re:I-4 - probably because of who owns it.

I think I played this game already. It was a PlayStation exclusive.

Buy this, for $18,700:

They DO use a modern form of communication, their system is set up to import to the EMR through a scanner.

Losten, dudes, I just want to hop drunkenly into my whip and sayith, “To the castle, Jeeves” and get woken up in the morning, in my driveway, by my cellphone alarm saying it is time to shit/shower/shave. Whomever gets there get my dollar.

Why? Frankly, I am suprused it doesn’t carry the same stigma that IV drug use does (it should, it is just as if not more dangerous).

Ooooooh, good find.