
Normally I like your articles, Justin, but today you’re just fundamentally wrong. Flat bottom’d wheels make the rocking world go round.

So you want to cater to the weak now? If you can’t take it then ignore them and move on! That’s why games have block and ignore! You can’t control your feelings so you have to resort to controlling people’s behavior? Pathetic!

Ban speech. Sounds great.

What are you talking about bro

It’s not illegal to be asshole; it’s illegal to perpetrate a fraud, and doing so at the expense of people’s health should be an ADDITIONAL crime.

People love to ignore how Tim Cook is a pure, unabashed capitalist.

And how many dongles do you have to show for it?

It charges via microUSB?! You are right that is so lame to support a cable nearly every household in the world has. They should have went with a cable with less than 25% saturation in the US!

😂😂😂 I’ve never seen a comment that more illustrates that someone had no idea what they’re talking about

Well, that was lame. Oooh, an arbitrary list with no exploration of the reasoning, and some weird dumb gotcha at the end? We desperate for content today or something?

Now playing

Has anyone actually asked a “grid girl” or a group of “grid girls” how they feel?

i sure as shit know alanis hasnt before spewing articles like these

Zuckerberg is the perfect evidence to illustrate the fact that wealth inequality is completely out of control and the current rendition of American capitalism is hopelessly flawed. That he has become so insanely rich from a business he has no real understanding of or control over boggles the mind.

I can’t believe how

Then you’re one of a large number of suckers and sheep.

After accounting for fake accounts and bots, the actual number of active human users is probably less than 1 billion.


Haha get some glasses. That needle doesn’t go through anything dude. 3:32 is the same clip at 3:50 just a different angle. It cracks the glass and bounces off.

Uh...... no. Time to get your vision checked, as in the side-angle shots (say, 3:27 or so) you can see that the needle doesn’t come anywhere near going through the pane of glass.

throw a needle through a sheet of glass.

Again with personal attacks. Why? What exactly are you gaining by bragging that, what, you don’t like people who own Corvettes?