NASCAR did that. Today. It was broadcast on FOX.
NASCAR did that. Today. It was broadcast on FOX.
Kevin, your article intrigued me. I want to try the Popeye’s chicken sandwich now. I will say that I’m disappointed at your shots and disdain for Chick-fil-A’s so-called “politics.” The fact is, Chick-fil-A doesn’t have a corporate political position. All the hate (and, yes, it’s hate) stems from a comment made about…
Dude. That girl in the header image isn’t wearing that look because it’s “comfortable.” Just, stop with that nonsense right now.
The difference being she’s getting paid while the passengers are paying for the experience of not getting to their destination on time.
So that explains why my turret keeps disappearing. I figured the enemies were just instantly killing it and it was a useless pos.
Imagine being such a corporate cheerleader that you demonize consumers from organizing and giving feedback. Maybe instead of being a bootlicking megacorp apologist, you could find your moral center and realize that these companies don’t want complaints and that most of this narrative is designed to serve them.
You mean you want gamers who pay $60 of their hard-earned cash for a broken AAA title to be nice and friendly with the fucks who ripped them off?
“Better interior” is about the funniest thing I’ve ever heard someone say about a Model 3.
The only problem with your scenario, as has been pointed out in many, many Jalopnik articles, is that the crossovers and SUVs are getting much better mileage than they were. These aren't 2008's vehicles anymore.
Too bad he wasn’t in California. Pretty much everything out here is a misdemeanor except for drinking from a plastic straw, that’s a felony.
It also makes the game rather tedious.
I’m watching this game and the US is by no means being ‘wildly overmatched’. Columbia is clearly more talented and that goal from James was dirty but ‘wildly overmatched’ is I think off the mark.
If we could prove the asteroid was definitely coming, then people would give a shit.
Also, asking for the manager is the ultimate Becky move.
Don’t quite understand why she needed a manager. All she needs is a claim form with the damage and or take a pic of the bag. Delta is pretty good at resolving these claims. Sorry but having traveled all over the world on all the major carriers, this is a non issue. Sorry Mike but this is a bullshit article.
Holy shit, we found the only 5 WNBA fans out there and they’re in the comment section. It was nice to see you in the stands in these videos, all 5 of you.
Yes and no. The module doesn’t need to be replaced for a single overload but repeated overloads can cause the mosfet to overheat and fail, then you would need to replace the entire module. Dodge BCMs are known for this.
Normally I like your articles, Justin, but today you’re just fundamentally wrong. Flat bottom’d wheels make the rocking world go round.
So you want to cater to the weak now? If you can’t take it then ignore them and move on! That’s why games have block and ignore! You can’t control your feelings so you have to resort to controlling people’s behavior? Pathetic!
Ban speech. Sounds great.