

Gizmodo is just butthurt Palmer Lucky of Oculus supports Trump. Playstation VR sounds like shit.

You obviously never been to South Florida have you? Typical liberal and their stereotypes.

Typical liberal response, insult my intelligence. Being from the Bay Area and working in tech I am used to hearing this. There is a huge group of us engineers that can’t voice any support for a non Democrat or else be chastised. You just reaffirmed our point. Man, I can’t wait to move to Dania Beach, FL and get the

you can find more information at www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald

I would have been too busy playing Space Quest or Kings Quest to give a fuck what I had to say. Anyways, I would say keep doing what your doing, because life turned out pretty good.

You mean Clinton is going to get cucked on Monday and next month. Enjoy your Friday bitch. #TRUMP2016 MOTHERFUCKER

Seriously fuck you and fuck Univision Deportes Kotaku. Every site has been cucked. Jalopnik is now shit and now you fucked Kotaku too with your political leftist bullshit.

Seriously fuck you and fuck Univision Deportes Kotaku. Every site has been cucked. Jalopnik is now shit and now you fucked Kotaku too with your political leftist bullshit.

Seriously fuck you and fuck Univision Deportes Kotaku. Every site has been cucked. Jalopnik is now shit and now you fucked Kotaku too with your political leftist bullshit.

What a stupid fucking comment.

This game blows so much ass. I could only play it a few hours before I realized what a gigantic turd this is. 2GB of shit for $60...

It's a Team Associated SC8e. The bumpers and body look the same. I used to have one. Very fun!

It looks like a Team Associated SC8e stadium truck. HPI 1/5 is a gas buggy and the Losi is more of a monster truck.


This game blows so hard. It’s 2.8GB of repetitiveness shit. This should have been a $9-20 game at most. No fucking way is it worth $60 .

Shut up fag

Totally agree. I was in a Tesla showroom in Walnut Creek, CA. The door handles weren’t popping out. When I closed the doors it felt like a crappy import. All the fit and finishes were super cheapo. Yet everyone was drawn to that stupid screen that takes 45 seconds to change the A/C temperature.

The only reason this guy has a job at Telsa is because he was Chief of Staff, Bureau of Political Military Affairs for the U.S. Department of State prior. Let’s not forget where the money, contracts and subsidies comes from.

Dial up was a thing. I had Prodigy not to mention plenty of BBS’s sharing information. So yea, amateur hour, dude....