
"design of of the Space Shuttle"

Interesting that it is back on their website now for a low low price of $69,289.

Should have put that "Chef Staffan Terje of Perbacco Restaurant in San Francisco takes food seriously. He doesn't use meat glue in his restaurant, but like many chefs, he knows how it works and he agreed to show KGO-TV, KABC-TV's sister station in San Francisco"

Tivo HD Series 3 here. I can only find maybe a handful of reasons why Tivo is better than cable company provided boxes. In my opinion Tivo is crap, at least in my case. It takes them 2 months to get the correct program information for new channels and when they do it's usually the wrong time zone. I then have to go on

@Aunt_Snowman: Could you give me more info about where you found that. I would like to read more about the rescue procedure. thanks!

@nutbastard: Such a small world. I think you are thinking of Silverado Trail. The main straight upvalley. I lived off the trail for many years. Trying to get to Keenan? James Maynard Keenan?

@nutbastard: Where in Napa were you that it took 2 hours to get to? Just curious because I grew up there. Upvalley is pretty bad I guess.

@ding-dang: Please tell me you are kidding

So what about all the WOW players that pay monthly.

Mr.Moto must have taken offensive to us thinking of him as a grade "AA" douchebag as hes taken down his website. I was thinking of going to SF this weekend to check out the gumball but this guy reminded me not too.