Fuck Art Rooney II and the Steelers. Fuck Pouncey and his brother for supporting Aaron Hernandez. Get yours Le’Veon.
Fuck Art Rooney II and the Steelers. Fuck Pouncey and his brother for supporting Aaron Hernandez. Get yours Le’Veon.
Damn shame that I thought you were writing about the shooting in San Bernardino, CA last week that everyone promptly ignored as soon as it was revealed that it was sparked by a dice game.
Marchman of all people criticizing someone’s palate?
Incidentally, there’s a nice little call-out to the Cinnabon flash-forwards in this episode. In the season 3 premiere, Gene talks himself into potential trouble by telling the shoplifter to call a lawyer after he notices that the kid was arrested without being Mirandized. How does Kim snag such a good deal for her…
+1 for your name. Saw that episode the other day too.
Trust me that it isn’t.
When I was 10 or 11, i played in the New Endland Bambino regionals tournament against Revere and those kids/parents chanting let’s go Reveyah is still seared into my brain.
I think you misspelled your search term, but what you were aiming for is a mystery since there are so many possibilities: prom, apron, Tron, ‘bron (appropriate for this blog), Ron, norp, morn, mourn, pore... any of these what you were going for?
Somewhat intrigued, I googled this so-called ‘pron’ Mr. Haisley refers to in his piece. I don’t recommend anyone do the same!
Tawwmy from Reveyah is sooo gonna troll you for that
But did he give his son an uncomfortably long kiss on the mouth on camera? Because I’ve heard that’s how you advance your brand if you a sports star.
I disagree with this article’s implicit premise that if Lebron is not offending viewers, he is not being fully truthful. Perhaps Lebron, like most people, doesn’t have that many hard-line positions on controversial topics.
Billy Haisley’s article “there is nothing candid about lebron’s the shop” is a candid look at what Billy Haisely thought of the new HBO show. However, the real purpose of the article is to make money.
Serious note, this man needs therapy. He needs real therapy from a black mental health professional, not the Hollywood standard of meds, press release and a pat on the back. When people stop deifying him because of his music (even though he hasn’t put out anything worth a damn since MBDTF), perhaps he can actually get…
In my defense, I would like to point out that the leash did end up getting used.
Imagine writing a description of a Mitch Hedberg show. “He concluded with some brief non sequiturs about absurd and frankly unlikely situations. I guess you had to be there?”
A little too on the nose. Any detective worth their salt knows Philadelphians often treat cheesesteaks as legal tender.
I disagree with him on only one thing - though I get why he said it given the state of the state. I don’t believe you can be equally American, equally a patriot holding either of these views. If you are offended by peaceful protest - and especially one that doesn’t incovenience you in any real way - or more offended…
i like how their infographic first states that he visited everywhere and then includes a third point that includes examples of everywhere including everywhere.