And Other Essays
by Drew Magary
And Other Essays
by Drew Magary
He says,
Pres. Obama also never resigned during his term as president. ;)
Oh, you want to chime in now? I thought your shitty accusation that my argument was intentionally obscuring the point was all I was getting from you.
Yo, Donny Dinko, you know what Obama NEVER did? A blanket pardon for all non-violent drug offenders in Federal Prison!
People with children are not allowed to have crippling depression. Got it. Thanks for that. I’ll keep it in mind.
You didn’t attend her funeral? So as you say this was a women who you knew since you were toddlers. I assume that means you were pretty good friends. Instead of being there for those two children when they probably need people the most you got on your high horse and road away.
Isn’t this what white people (she is Armenian I think) with privilege are supposed to do? Try to get justice and make things right?
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Ah fuck! You just made me realise that it is only Thursday this morning.
“Fam you’re reaching with this”
If Shazier wants to try and play football again, that’s fine. I completely disagree with him but that’s his prerogative. My biggest issue is that the NFL is trying to play this off as a big heart warming story while carefully avoiding the fact that it’s football’s fault in the first place.
The FauxNews crowd LOVES this scenario. It gives them little tiny boners, which they otherwise are incapable of achieving. So it’s never going to end.
Fam you’re reaching with this. If The Nationals won The World Series would that be any different? If The Washington Football Team (name withheld intentionally) actually got it’s shit together enough to actually win a Super Bowl would that make any person of color feel better? Shit NY is the most diverse city in the…
In awe at the size of this lad. Absolute unit.
This is the most coherent analysis of Trump I have consumed in a very long time, maybe ever. The fact that it relates directly to sports is irrelevant. It is so hard to step back and look at this man and use any kind of logic and reason because he appears to be such an illogical moron. You get to the heart of the…
The callous, selfish, evil rich are cordyceps.