
ME!! In Miami..face to face....full interview is coming tomorrow.

Did I read that right? They drive a hearse, like as their vehicle? And kept their child’s body in it for days before burying it?

Hi..black person here..he doesn’t give a fuck about who uses what gifs. That article elicited way too many eyerolls from me. 

We did it!

So, essentially, Trump/Sessions/Bannon, et. al want “minorities” and the immigrants already here in low-paying and menial jobs.

Utah Jazz

The Supreme Court is hesitant to re-review cases. Particularly recent cases. It sets a bad precedent. They won’t hear another affirmative action case this decade.

She’ll be fine.

fuck! i had just forgotten. curse you Sardonicuss Evocatus!

Is this really such an awful thing if it means we get more Leah Remini? I mean, yeah, someone is getting fired but... c’mon, Leah Remini.

shits the bed when it counts.

“do you want some ketchup for it?” followed by a fart of ketchup all over his plate of raw fish.

Trump on Japan: “Their openly screwing us is a disgrace. Why aren’t they paying us? The Japanese cajole us, they bow to us, they tell us how great we are and then they pick our pockets. We’re losing hundreds of billions of dollars a year while they laugh at our stupidity.” [Playboy, 3/1/90]

Fish designed to be served raw

Remember when Michelle Obama correctly stated that the White House was built by slaves and conservatives lost their ever-loving minds? I’m sure this news will be met with the appropriate condemnation from them.

This is a mind-boggingly stupid take

Do you have a link? I tried to find it but no luck.

Jeff instantly trolled Roadhog mains.