Nothing says, “While you’re here, feel free to rub one out,” like the SI Swimsuit issue.
Nothing says, “While you’re here, feel free to rub one out,” like the SI Swimsuit issue.
SI Swimsuit Issue, For the classy dad or when you want to leave your house-guests some casual jerkoff material in your bathroom.
Wow, I had no idea about using Lasix for racehorses. Who knew that was where the expression came from!
The true title for this article should have been “Stupid Jock Steps Out Of Line, Immediately Shown His Proper Place”.
“Cassius Marsh is known for tackling ball carriers as a professional linebacker, but the Seattle Seahawk’s 6’4”, 245-pound frame recently proved entirely useless in the mental athletics of Magic: the Gathering.”
What’s with all the shade though?
One man was charged with the real-sounding crime of “unlawful use of a two way communication device.”
A black cop got away with murder YESTERDAY. Just another troll article from Michael, who isn’t capable of writing an article without the word “white” in it.
Q: “Where is the incest?”
The Mountain had a 28-3 lead!
I bet this guy returns shit to L.L. Bean just because it’s a little old and he wants the hot new style.
Sometimes I think criticism this weak is purposefully put out there to water down genuine issues of racial appropriation, attempting to make the whole subject appear absurd.
For quoting MLK a lot in their anguished letters, I think some of those Seattle parents forgot this passage from the Birmingham County Jail letter-- replace moderate with liberal, because that’s just the shifting goalposts since the Reagan Years:
It’s unclear how Donald Trump will respond to the torturing death of an American citizen at the hands of an autocratic and brutal regime
But the internet told me this game was liberal cuck propaganda designed to desensitize us to violence towards the white race... Who do I believe???
Is that dog dead, or just drunk & passed out? :P
Wow. This article is the epitome of contemporary journalism: take a pop culture figure, who is white and female, and say snarky, trashin’ things about her. Accuse her of the ubiquitous white crime of cultural appropriation, and then find other white women sitting on a couch—we all know that black women don’t sit on…
about as much as I trust someone siphoning off 300K a year from the failing Baltimore Public School System for a no-show job as “interim” human capital whatever
Pictured: Phil Jackson’s iPad
I wouldn’t read into the Do Not Disturb. The default for DND is from 10pm to 7am. So he probably just switched the feature on without adjusting it.