
Cross-wise in the spot? Drunk and douchebag

$46000 as tested? CRACK PIPE.  Also, fuck BMW - it's a 2 litre I4, not a 28i.  I don't really care as I would never buy one,  but if you're gonna adopt a naming standard stick with it.  If I did buy it that '28i' badge would have to come off, but then I'd be mad because I paid $15000 for it.  Then I'd have to leave it

Agreed. I was waiting to watch him clear it off, and he didn't. Douche move.

I like the sound of 'twatches' , well played. Some might like them but I would never buy something that looked like this.

After you, sir.

This makes me sad.

For me - grandpa Salvatore's Fiat 850.


'Cadenza'? Seriously? Back in the day my family and their Jewish friends used to use this word to mean someone was having a hissy fit, or some kind of a breakdown. Oy - she's having a cadenza! I will LOL every time I see this car! Bwahahahahaaaa

LOL - I was waiting to see this post. 'sup $kaycog!

That ain't right. And I don't believe it.

Cut half that dashboard out and it could've been a 6-seater! Just kidding - the interior is nice. Too many models though. Don't know if this is an A# or a B-flat anymore. Maybe it's a B-fat. I sincerely don't hate it - it just leaves me cold.

I have to agree with you - that looks stunning. I find the design a little fussy, so in my opinion this dampens the fuss out quite nicely.

Good one, Matt!

That's just down the road from my brother's business in Grayston drive, wow.

I find that grille and bumper cover/spoiler very ugly. Luckily, I have the money to not buy one! Many will probably like it though.

I saw Jetta taillights immediately. Melted ones.

$11 for a damn beer? Holy rip-off balls, Batman!

I read far too much of that, and my imagination is incredible. I went through all the checks, had a great takeoff and climb to cruise climb and altitude, had a good descent and normal landing in a standard 360 degree approach pattern. I'm smiling inside and a little out of breath. That is a different world.