
Rest in peace, son.

+1. Well said, Ash.

Don't try make sense of it, it's fuckin' alphabet soup, and today it's uglier than ever.

The Infiniti QWOP. Covers the whole range.

Bamboo? Dafuq. Keep that shit away from my seats.

That Lexus is hideous. 0/10, wouldn't even approach.

*Sigh* I guess I'll keep my '05 RL. At least she looks good, if somewhat nondescript.

The number defines how many of the things exist, but the things are plural, therefore "There are 16 things" is the correct form. It's never correct to say "There's 16" as that is a contraction of "There is 16".

I admit I like this idea, and intend to file it for future use. Cheers!

Travis, while I appreciate this site's tongue-in-cheek response to the EHRMAGERD SPEHRLER crowd, I do hope it is intended as such, and that you never intend to pander to it again. This will probably rub someone up the wrong way, but I don't really care. I always record the races, if only to avoid the ads, and always

This, in my opinion, is the mark of a true racing fan. You give congrats to Vettel, yet you would love for Alonso to win, yet you show awe at Hulkenberg's incredible drive, and thus are torn by everything except the racing. That's what it's all about. You missed Button though - what a drive. And Schumi. And

While I disagree with defacing someone else's property, responses to your post lead me to believe people have no idea what you said. I agree with you. If the douchebag is going to inconvenience me by stealing spots, I may do the same as you and inconvenience them back. I'd have two friend help me bounce his car into

Hagman had us hanging on for the next episode of Dallas every time. Total bad-ass. Just one thing: tech-laden.

Also - 5 hour trip in 3 hours. Haul ass, FTW!

Yeah, baby!

Sweeeeeeet! That 1600S was my first car - even down to the bright orange! I had nice chrome spats on my wheels though - made a couple more horsepower ;)

The guy is right. Each to his own. No need to get racist, or mad, just know that some people have more money than sense. And here's the owner.

Well said. The slowest F1 cars will still blow away pretty much anything.

No worries - seems I had an internet over-reaction :( Gonna be a good race in Brazil, and I agree with your assessment of Hammy. He should have had a better season, but now we'll have to see how the remaining points pan out based on what we have this weekend. Good luck!