
This is very good advice, and like you, knowing my spatial orientation with respect to everything around me has saved me a number of times when I've had to react immediately.

EVERY SINGLE TIME I get to this page my troll brain totally misreads "Show Us Your Tips!"

Lamborghini has succeeded in producing the first straight-from-the-factory production Donk.


Damn advertising. It's become so bad I half expected to see "FedEx" on the tail of the jumbo. Would have been the advertising department's hit of the year.

I would rail against this, but seriously, the owner already shot himself in the foot. I couldn't do much better than that.

Instinctive gut reaction.

Cool story, bro. I too was in army Transport, and you're right - lowest. Great fun though, got to drive a bunch of tough-ass military vehicles which I'll list some time. Best fun though was picking up the new conscripts (greenhorns) on the day, and driving them away from their parents and loved ones on a wild, dusty,

Now playing

The CBX with Kerker pipes sounded ridiculous. Still remember it all this time later. Pure porn, for you.

I watched this and found myself totally stunned as to how well I knew the track. The entry angles, braking points, gear changes, rotation and exit strategies. I've been around this track hundreds of times in GT5 and never seen it in real life, yet I am totally in love with its nuances.

You and me both, friend. This was an engrossing video.

Fuckin' A.

RTFM. What verynokah said, except it bears repetition.

This is why it's called an indicator. At least it was in South Africa. It indicates intention of action.

Yes, Yes yes yes yes yes. This, this and this.

Full of awesome

S'funny - always enjoyed them, myself.


One of my favorites from aircraft maintenance stories: "The problem is with the stick actuator"

Excellent! I really enjoyed that, well written. The cadence worked very well for me too, I read it that way all the way through.