
Nominated for "He doesn't buy flashy things, but when he buys something its going to be the last one he buys, because he will take care of it and is willing to pay for quality."

A friend had one of these, with no shocks in the front. Every time he stopped it would bounce for half an hour. Pissed off everyone at the drive-in, bwahahaha

These were so fine. Light, nimble, the TwinCam 16V loved to work hard, what a magic little car.

Terrible name, that. We knew them as the Ford Sierra, and the homologation version XR8 was a beast (at the time)

And THAT is the correct size for the mouse-door in the grille, not the big ugly thing on the Veyron.

Nice-ish in front, looks like the sibling of a Camaro, nice bit of identity although a bit confusing with Jetta and some Ford influence, can't put my finger on it though.

I agree with you totally, the trend to high sills is not only awful, but more than that, it's awkward. It gives me the opposite feeling to what a car should, that it's low to the ground, low center of gravity, etc. The Dodge Charger and Challenger look just as awkward to me.


Took me a long time to get used to that thing in my '97 Tahoe, but when I did it became dead simple to use, and of course it's the go-to stalk. I hate their speed control though. Going back after being in my RL is like going back to the stone age. Still love the Tahoe, though. Even though the engine died and I have to

Damn that is ugly. That ugly boat throttle control sticks out like Jar-Jar Binks photobombing the image. Hey, luckily I'll NEVER see one IRL.

Rugby playing lawyer cousin - sounds like he's worth his weight in gold.

Fuck that looked like one of the original NCC-1701 Enterprise's comm stations or food dispenser or something. Then I saw the chrome handle.

Maybe this is what writers experience, I've heard them say the story takes on a life of its own, or writes itself. Good stuff.

Brilliant. Engaging and enthralling, totally plausible. My imagination showed me the story you so well described. Great one!


Good choice. Seconded.

Didn't everybody want to punch James Hunt? I remember seeing him at Kyalami in the 70's and the prevalent 'war chant' at that time amongst the guys was 'Hunt the c*nt, Hunt the c*nt'. Aside from the obvious double entendre there, people I knew didn't like him. Personally, I didn't know anything about him so I can't

The captain of the Blue Marlin

iPhone plays video games.

I would so dearly love to get hold of one of those perfect little Hondas, both for my commute and just for the damn fun of it.