
This comically represented a whole lot of the comments I've seen today. I enjoyed it, well done sir!

So I will assume Jacqui is somewhat of a Jalop, as I find this, looking past the awesome body and underwear, to be a most human and reverent moment. I think it's stunning.

That is the absolute moment of this. A genuine human moment.


The only reason you need to know the name of that is to put it in the Book Of Bad Things.

Brilliant - burst out laughing when I saw that. Great!

Amen to that. Was a pleasant surprise.

A considered, even-tempered, rational response wins the day. I don't believe he should have had to do that, and therefore I commend him for his sensibility in the face of the somewhat ridiculous antagonism. Apparently a lot of people around here are Jesus, for he hath been judged. And apparently a lot of other people

That, sir, is the result of 1.22 gigawatts of power. It has to be correct.

I might have said this before - not sure to whom though, but these 504s were a very popular choice back in South Africa and Swaziland, and in a lot of other far-flung African territories. Their comfort over sand roads and their reliability were legendary. I remember a time when you saw Land Rovers and these Peugeot

Excellent stories today! Here's my one of my favorite aviation stories, from the (troll) team in an SR-71 Blackbird:

This story added another level to 'on so many levels'.


She's so good at it we coined a new term, it's now a bio-Epic.

Car was scrapped, yet only suffered minor damage. There's your brain hurt for the day!

Finally, I can say it without reserve:


Dude with jet pack won before the race started. He out-cooled everybody that day. (That sentence felt right when I wrote it, but I can't bear to look at it again)

"Phoenix Two" LOL

This freakin' list of responses is gonna make poor...