
Never seen that before but always wondered about it. How much off-center will they caster, and how much force does it take to turn them? While I wait, I'm off to google.

We're all TAXED to shit! There is money, and then the gub'mint promptly removes it! DIEEE!!!

I'm so jealous, bro. 30-ish miles west of you. Just as pumped though, I can't freakin wait! I'm here to reserve a grandstand seat on your roof, please.

Yeah, that's a crap piece of road to say the least.

Well done, Angryokie, I've enjoyed these quotable quote collections along with the stories. Definitely adding value!

They're not, at all. Maybe my response was ambiguous? After I read your comment, I re-read the QOTW, and in retrospect it became obvious to me that it asked for something "you have a hard time admitting you like, but secretly pine after", and I realized I had answered in the complete opposite sense.

Wow - thanks for pointing it out. I don't know how the hell I read the question and completely misconstrued it. WTF.

...and this is number 2.

Easy! This is number 1. Second one in comments.

Heart-clicked. Well said. My Beetle meant exactly the same.

I want one of these. So beautiful.

Now playing

Someone's still throwing a shadow. Maybe it's...

"Volkswagen's Bentley and BMW's Rolls-Royce"

First try...

Yeah, I was wondering the same. They get it right up onto the beach and still have bow/stern thrusters running, they must be on the sides of the boat as opposed to being in the keel.

5th gear:

Well written, and engaging commentary. Excellent. I learned something about H-D today. It also somewhat reinforced the fact that a blistering lack of future planning and foresight coupled with stupid decisions aren't problems only where I work.

Dear god. That's how to do advertising. Yes I know, awful sentence, but I drooled it out.

Dog stared into cat's soul with those batshit eyes and cat is now waiting for his reward....

First thing I noticed, had me laughing out loud :)