
I like it. Brake discs sitting behind the hubs rattles me a little, though.

Citroen DS? Only list that thing should be on is one where it comes second to the Aztek.

Loved these classic Alfa's for a long time.

Jeebus, che bell'azzurro. I want to lick it.

And I like Candy, she tasted like vanilla and loved ice cream.

Yes, but it's the BEST of the mediocrity.


Now THAT is what a Corvette should look like. Sexy as hell.

The Spirit of having taken Ecstasy

The human brain.

That's just stunning. Those colors. And those wheels!

A really good part of the weekend is Vettel's qualifying. I can't wait for those last two minutes to see what sized rabbit he is going to pull out of the hat. This time it was what, 0.141? Instead of the usual half-second? Still incredible. it does show that Hamilton is really on a charge, but it must be frustrating

Thanks for the belly laugh - I enjoyed the "they give you a chance to get a high score" comment on number 9 :)

WTF - For a second there I thought he had a giant dish on his car for mobile SETI applications or something, bwahahaha

Very badly worded sentence. Would be more accurately stated as follows:

The Ford GT again. If that's not already the ultimate car shape, it should be declared as such.

And the northward migration of windowsills, waistlines and light clusters continues unabated into the dark design night. Heedless of the desperate, fading cries of Visibility, Practicality and Balance, they march inexorably towards the absolute northern roof, where shall reside even the tits, evoking unbidden,

Meh. May be different in real life, but in my opinion the grille treatment looks too heavy with the short, thick front end. Looks like someone saw a used eraser in his office and said 'oh, nice design, let's use it'.

4th Gear: Really, Time magazine? Don't you realize "Americans" is a collective term for a lot of foreigners finding identity with, and forged into, one country? I, as a naturalized American, still find immense pleasure in watching Formula 1, any other world racing like rally and cup car racing, one-day cricket

Nope, you are not alone. Come here every day, seeking out $kaycog's contribution to world betterment, and the incremental gain in general well being of the commentariat through cardiac acceleration.