
A very Acura-te set of points you make, a Fit-ting Crosstour of Elements providing a Prelude if you wish, or more fittingly a Passport, to Honda's current CRaZiness.

VTEC kicked in too late, around 72,000 RPM

Some say... I could buy a real car for that bit o' cash. Wouldn't be much, but it would be a whole damn car. Maybe.

In NJ the idiots decided to shave a few cents off the cost and shorten it to:

I love these. I weave past them all the time!

Someone in office once told me it's much cheaper to put up a sign and paint two white stripes across the road a quarter mile apart than to have an officer there. Sneaky bastards.

Bear struggling with umbrella

Thank you! These insightful, well written precis' are gems I look forward to with great anticipation in my otherwise dreary existence!


I like this comment immensely. Your second paragraph summed me up perfectly.

Bwahahahaha excellent!

I pitched, too

Yeah I thought it was, too.

That, sir, was one of the best and most well-written comments I have read, well done!

I'm not even going to watch that.

Excellent story, good read. Well done, and congratulations, well deserved!

Waitaminnit - the Pious is not only not at the top of the list, it's not even on the list?

Brilliant, had me laughing out loud, that was TOO DAMN FUNNY!

That was my choice too

Pass the eye bleach please...