

Awesome! I read that in my 4-year old voice. Well done!

Seems like you got Nibbles' special double-penetration special of the day.

Yo. That's not anatomically correct. FFS, it's FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU

When the microphone smells like a beer?

Yup, first thing that banged me in the eye. Ford Corvette? WTF?

I heard.. Oh, never mind

Zavance just gave me a headache, yo.


Have to mention the Toyota Prius. I hate these things going smugity-smugity-smug down the road in front of me. I consider it a personal challenge to pass them as soon as I can and leave them far behind.

Not a particular one, but any vehicle used as a rock. The stone in the river, the rolling roadblock that everyone has to try flow around. This is the one doing 15MPH under the speed limit in the middle of three lanes, at the head of 3 miles of confusion and frustration. This is the one causing the accordion of

Yes, yes, a thousand times YES. It's a car show, what the actual f*ck. Is this a question?

So they copied the 350/370Z's sweeping roof line and kinked it to make it look [stupid] edgy?

At last! My Crayola story! Thankyouthankyouthankyouthanky...!

Captain Eyebrows and Bruce Jawline brought tears to my eyes, that was so damn funny!

Psh - Found On Rubbish Dumps maybe ;)

Damn it, I read "Zap rockets". Can't... unsee...

Read this sentence again. Then, read it again. Spot the problem with it:

Only a barbed-wire fence will give you the the finger while it's raping your skin. Brilliant image!

Excellent satire sir, well done.