
Beautiful planes!!!! AND Ford GT!!! Woo hoo *BOOM* overload

That front-end needs the Edsel massaged out of it, but otherwise it's pretty damn sexy. Looks really good in #4.

Got my daily fix... thanks $kay!

My son just learned to drive, got his car and went to college. This ad resonates with me on every level, including those I don't yet know about. Brilliant ad.

It makes gold look cheap.

Baby making weather. Wait, what was the question?

Group-speak is not always intelligent. In fact it is almost, but not quite entirely, exactly the opposite. Unless the fault lay in the aforementioned weird bracket style voting system GM devised.

Marvin? Is that finally you?

"It can get a little warm on the outside to"... to where? To whom?

As a Swazi who subsequently lived in South Africa and now in the US, I have had experience of the lovely toys you discuss, as well as the Hi-Luxes mentioned in your other posts. At one time I was with a big civil engineering company that constantly got upwards of a half-million kilo's out of their Toyota Hi-Luxes.

I've always thought these are beautiful bikes.

Monza is always entertaining and this year was no different. This was a brilliant race and I always look forward to this excellent, descriptive, well-written article and great art. Nice job, thank you.

Goddamn that's ugly


You called? :)

Seconded. Even the sound of it is beautiful.



So many of those... another: Found On Rubbish Dumps

I was looking for this. They took a design I really liked a LOT, the previous generation, and screwed it up completely. The rear looks like it was pinched too hard, I'd hate to try load the trunk over that sill. The front looks like... well... NOT a TL. Awful. Even the dealer I bought my RL from said they are