
While I'm here, I may as well agree with you. I also think the new Civic looks like a Corolla, WTF

You called?

Oh my gawd...

Who cares?

This is a good story, to say the least.

Agreed. I must add that while the cars are awesome, the people are more so.

Post the images to then you can link them from there.

Instant heart-click. Thank you, and mondo tat, good one.

Brilliant thought. Epic. Well done. I would love to see that.

Well said! I heartily concur! Congratulations on COTD.

Lovin' care and attention is necessary and therefore mandatory. Enjoy!

He is trying to come and go at the same time

This thread will potentially reveal all the coolest cars of the last 80 years. I can't stop going back on it, it's brilliant.

This site cuts your name off at exactly the right place to make it mean something completely different. Brilliant. "buzz killington is going John Matrix up in her"

Arguably my favorite sounding car, ever.

The absolute model of simplicity.


I have WAY too many choices. A few choice picks below, but I think the one I would want just to drive is either the Ranchero or the Mini pickup:

That was bloody funny

It wasn't theirs.